
[1] Y. Dengler, A. Maas, and F. Zierler, “Scattering of dark pions in Sp(4) gauge theory”, Phys.Rev.D 110 (2024) 5 2405.06506 [hep-lat]
Code:DOI Data:DOI

[2] E. Bennett, N. Forzano, D.K. Hong, H. Hsiao, J.-W. Lee, C.-J.D. Lin, B. Lucini, M. Piai, D. Vadacchino and F. Zierler, “Mixing between flavor singlets in lattice gauge theories coupled to matter fields in multiple representations”, accepted by Phys.Rev.D 2405.05765 [hep-lat]
Code: DOI Data: DOI

[3] E. Bennett, L. Del Debbio, N. Forzano, R.C. Hill, D.K. Hong, H. Hsiao, J.-W. Lee, C.-J.D. Lin, B. Lucini, A. Lupo, M. Piai, D. Vadacchino and F. Zierler, “Meson spectroscopy from spectral densities in lattice gauge theories”, accepted by Phys.Rev.D 2405.01388 [hep-lat]
Code: DOI Data: DOI

[4] F. Zierler and R. Alkofer, “Dependence of the Landau gauge ghost-gluon-vertex on the number of flavors”, Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 7, 2312.06463 [hep-ph]
Code: DOI Data: DOI

[5] E. Bennett, H. Hsiao, J.-W. Lee, B. Lucini, A. Maas, M. Piai, and F. Zierler, “Singlets in gauge theories with fundamental matter”, Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 3, arXiv:2304.07191 [hep-lat]
Code: DOI Data: DOI

[6] S. Kulkarni, A. Maas, S. Mee, M. Nikolic, J. Pradler, and F. Zierler, “Low-energy effective description of dark Sp(4) theories”, SciPost Phys.14 (2023) 044, arXiv:2202.05191 [hep-ph]

Conference Proceedings

[1] Ho Hsiao, Ed Bennett, Niccolò Forzano, Deog Ki Hong, Jong-Wan Lee, C.-J. David Lin, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, Davide Vadacchino, F. Zierler, “Progress on the spectroscopy of an Sp(4) gauge theory coupled to matter in multiple representations”,PoS LATTICE2024 arXiv:2411.18379 [hep-lat]

[2] D. Mason, E. Bennett, B. Lucini, M. Piai, E. Rinaldi, D. Vadacchino, F. Zierler, “Updates on the density of states method in finite temperature symplectic gauge theories”, PoS LATTICE2024 arXiv:2411.13101 [hep-lat]

[3] F. Zierler, E. Bennett, N. Forzano, D. K. Hong, H. Hsiao, J.-W. Lee, C.-J. D. Lin, B. Lucini, M. Piai, D. Vadacchino, “Progress on pseudoscalar flavour-singlets in Sp(4) with mixed fermion representations”, PoS LATTICE2024 arXiv:2410.11412 [hep-lat]

[4] E. Bennett, L. Del Debbio, N. Forzano, R. C. Hill, D. K. Hong, H. Hsiao, J.-W. Lee, C.-J. D. Lin, B. Lucini, A. Lupo, M. Piai, D. Vadacchino, F. Zierler, “Progress on the spectroscopy of lattice gauge theories using spectral densities”, PoS LATTICE2024 arXiv:2410.11386 [hep-lat]

[5] Y. Dengler, A. Maas, F. Zierler, “Scattering of dark pions in an Sp(4) gauge theory”, PoS LATTICE2023 103 arXiv:2311.18549 [hep-lat]

[6] F. Zierler, J.-W. Lee, A. Maas, and F. Pressler, “Singlet Mesons in Dark Sp(4) Theories”, PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 225, arXiv:2210.11187 [hep-lat]

[7] F. Zierler, S. Kulkarni, A. Maas, S. Mee, M. Nikolic, and J. Pradler, “Strongly Interacting Dark Matter from Sp(4) Gauge Theory,” EPJ WebConf. 274 (2022) 08014, arXiv:2211.11272 [hep-ph]

[8] A. Maas and F. Zierler, “Strong isospin breaking in Sp(4) gauge theory,”PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 130, arXiv:2109.14377 [hep-lat]

[9] F. Zierler and A. Maas, “Sp(4) SIMP Dark Matter on the Lattice,” PoSLHCP2021 (2021) 162, abridged version of arXiv:2109.14377 [hep-lat]


[1] F. Zierler, “Lattice studies of Sp(4) as a candidate Dark Matter theory”. PhD Thesis, University of Graz, 2023.