
[1] “Flavour singlet mixing in Sp(4) gauge theory with fermions in multiple representations”, F.Zierler, E.Bennett, N.Forzano, D.K. Hong, H. Hsiao, J.W.Lee, C.J.D. Lin, B.Lucini, M.Piai, D.Vadacchino, LATTICE 2024, Liverpool, UK, 2024, (pdf)

[2] “Beyond the Standard Model with Sp(2N) Gauge Theory: Meson Spectroscopy and Scattering”, F. Zierler, Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy 2024, Swansea, UK, 2024 (pdf)

[3] “Composite Dark Matter from Sp(2N) gauge theories”, F. Zierler, UKLFT Meeting, Plymouth, UK, 2024 (pdf)

[4] “Composite Dark Matter from Sp(2N) gauge theories”, F. Zierler, IBS-CTPU, Daejeon, Korea, 2024 (pdf)

[5] “Composite Dark Matter from Sp(2N) gauge theory”, F. Zierler, PNU workshop on Composite Higgs : Lattice study and all, Busan, Korea, 2024 (pdf)

[6] “Dark Isosinglet Mesons in Sp(4) gauge theory”, F. Zierler, J.-W. Lee, A. Maas, F. Pressler, The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. Bonn, Germany, August 2022 (pdf)

[7] “Strongly Interacting Dark Matter from Sp(4) Gauge Theory”, F. Zierler, S. Kulkarni, A. Maas, S. Mee, M. Nikolic, J. Pradler, XVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, Stavanger, Norway, August 2022 (pdf)

[8] “Low-energy effective description of dark Sp(4) theories”, F. Zierler, S. Kulkarni, A. Maas, S. Mee, M. Nikolic, J. Pradler, FAKT Workshop 2022, Bruck an der Mur, Austria, February 2022 (pdf)

[9] “Sp(4) Gauge Theory on the Lattice”, F. Zierler, A. Maas, Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) and Swiss Physical Society (SPS), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2021 (pdf)

[10] “QCD und Technicolor bei fast-konstanter Kopplung”, F. Zierler, M. Adrien, H. Sanchis Alepuz, R. Alkofer, 51. Herbstschule für Teilchenphysik, Maria Laach, Germany, September 2019 (pdf)


[1] F.Zierler, A. Maas, “Sp(4) SIMP Dark Matter on the Lattice”. The Ninth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2021), online, June 2021 (pdf)

[2] F. Zierler, M. Adrien, H. Sanchis Alepuz, R. Alkofer, “Quark, gluon and ghost propagator in large Nf Landau gauge QCD”. Vienna Central European Seminar (VCES) on Particle Physics and QFT, December 2018 (pdf)

[3] M. Schwendt, F. Atteneder, F. Zierler, W. Pötz, “Numerical simulation of s- and p-wave super-conductor heterostructures within the (1+1)D Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation”, Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2017, Kohala Coast, USA